Falling, With Style
Hey, remember how I spent all that effort and time trying to recreate waking up in mid air? Remember how I got all frustrated and gave up? Guess what, I didn't have to do any of that. All I had to do was chill out and take a nap.
Back up for a second. I was watching Conan (the talk show host, not the barbarian). I think it was a rerun from when he was in SF, because that was a while ago. George Lucas was really creepy, and I started wondering why I looked up to that guy as a kid. He invented Han Solo, but then he invented Jar Jar. Then they had a funny bit where Conan went to Lucasfilm and got some animators to actually go outside.
After that, I found The House of Flying Daggers and watched that for a while, but it put me to sleep. They float in that one, but it's not like mine. It looks like they're jumping really hard, and they're super trained. Even in Crouching Tiger, they would arc when they jumped, and there's the part where they balance on the bamboo, but they fall when the branches get cut out from under them.
Anyway, when I woke up, there were infomercials on, and I was up above the couch. I was mostly asleep, but some part of me knew what was happening and didn't want to wake me up. I reached down with my arms, but I couldn't reach the remote, and then I could. It doesn't really make sense, looking back. It's like dream logic. I must have floated down and grabbed it, because I don't think I could have stretched that far.
From there, I just kept flipping channels. That's the time of night when VH1 actually shows music videos, but there's never any good ones when I pass by. I must have stayed up there for twenty minutes, not watching anything. When I'm sleepy, I find that more interesting than anything on TiVo. When the exercise shows start outnumbering the infomercials, that usually means the end of the night. I turned off the TV and fell. It must have broken the spell, whatever was holding me up. I hit my arm on the coffee table when I bounced off the couch. Not cool. Now my arm hurts.
Anyway, I'm going to bed. I'll probably float again, since I seem to be doing it every time I sleep. It's not all clear in my mind. I don't understand it, and I can't explain it, but I do remember the experience, and I know it happened. That's enough for me.
Back up for a second. I was watching Conan (the talk show host, not the barbarian). I think it was a rerun from when he was in SF, because that was a while ago. George Lucas was really creepy, and I started wondering why I looked up to that guy as a kid. He invented Han Solo, but then he invented Jar Jar. Then they had a funny bit where Conan went to Lucasfilm and got some animators to actually go outside.
After that, I found The House of Flying Daggers and watched that for a while, but it put me to sleep. They float in that one, but it's not like mine. It looks like they're jumping really hard, and they're super trained. Even in Crouching Tiger, they would arc when they jumped, and there's the part where they balance on the bamboo, but they fall when the branches get cut out from under them.
Anyway, when I woke up, there were infomercials on, and I was up above the couch. I was mostly asleep, but some part of me knew what was happening and didn't want to wake me up. I reached down with my arms, but I couldn't reach the remote, and then I could. It doesn't really make sense, looking back. It's like dream logic. I must have floated down and grabbed it, because I don't think I could have stretched that far.
From there, I just kept flipping channels. That's the time of night when VH1 actually shows music videos, but there's never any good ones when I pass by. I must have stayed up there for twenty minutes, not watching anything. When I'm sleepy, I find that more interesting than anything on TiVo. When the exercise shows start outnumbering the infomercials, that usually means the end of the night. I turned off the TV and fell. It must have broken the spell, whatever was holding me up. I hit my arm on the coffee table when I bounced off the couch. Not cool. Now my arm hurts.
Anyway, I'm going to bed. I'll probably float again, since I seem to be doing it every time I sleep. It's not all clear in my mind. I don't understand it, and I can't explain it, but I do remember the experience, and I know it happened. That's enough for me.
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