Thursday, July 26, 2007

I Can Fly

I'm alive. I didn't die. It was pretty cool, actually. I went up on the roof, and I stood on the edge, and I let myself go totally limp, like when I go to sleep. I started to collapse, but then I didn't. Damn, I can't really describe it. Maybe it's like when you're in an elevator that drops really fast. You know how you go up a little, even though there's nothing lifting you? Anyway, I had to stay limp, because if I wake up, I fall. I know that much. I let myself lean a little bit forward, towards the edge of the roof. I kept going until I was almost horizontal. My feet left the ground, and I was over the edge.

I got nervous. I started falling faster, not like gravity would do, but faster than over my bed. I was still sixty feet up, and I had nothing to hold on to. If I was going to do this, I had to do it right, so I kept breathing and let myself fall a little deeper into sleep. The ground was so far away. I think I actually stopped falling for a second, but I can't be sure. I let myself come down slow, just like when I wake up. It was great. I kept falling, but I knew I'd be fine. I looked up at the street lamps on my street. I was dropping down next to an electrical pole, or is that a phone pole, the one with the little rungs on the side? I don't know. I watched the rungs go past. Then they ran out. I looked down and the ground came up to meet me. Perfect landing, like I'd been flying all my life.

I guess I'll do it again. After I landed, I got all wired. I mean, it was a real rush once I realized what I'd done. I don't think I can trick myself into sleep like that again.


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