Tuesday, August 21, 2007

World Crisis

I expected my life to be totally different now that I'm a superhero, but nothing's changed. I started watching more superhero movies. I don't know what's so different about my life from theirs. It's just not fair.

There's got to be something I can do, something not too hard, before I do the whole saving the world thing. How do you even save the world? Is there some evil mastermind that's going to call me up and threaten the world? Do I need one of those big justice league world crisis monitor things?

I tried watching CNN, but it was so freaking boring, and it was full of stuff I wouldn't be useful at all for, like something about Michael Vick's dogfighting thing, and there's no way I'm going into Iraq. It's not like I'd do any good over there anyway. One story that caught my attention was the space shuttle. If something went wrong up there, it'd be cool to fly up and do something about it. I can't go into outer space or anything, but maybe if I talk to NASA, they could make me some kind of suit where I could go up and be above the atmosphere.

Anyway, everything else I saw on there just looked like too much work. I don't really care about all that stuff. I have enough of my own stuff to worry about.


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