Jump Magic, Jump

Guess what I just did. I jumped off the bed and didn't land for about five seconds. I'm getting really good at this. It's easy, you just let yourself fall like you're not going to land, and you don't. I closed my eyes and imagined I was jumping off the roof like I did last week. I imagined the ground was like sixty feet down again, and it took me about the same amount of time to fall the five feet here as it did the sixty feet out there. The height doesn't matter at all.
I tried to imagine myself falling a hundred feet so I could float even longer, but I've never fallen a hundred feet, so I can't imagine it. I hit the ground while I was still trying to conjure the image, so that didn't work.
Then I just imagined myself falling through the air, like I'd jumped out of a plane, and that was perfect. I kept falling and falling. I really felt like I was in free fall. See, I actually did that once. When I was sixteen, my parents made me go. I took one lesson and never had any interest in doing it again. That was one of those jumps where you go with another person, and the sky diving teacher they strapped to my back was really into it, kept screaming in my ear the whole time.
Anyway, I tried to relive that experience in my mind. I thought about how that felt as a kid, and it totally worked. I don't have too clear a memory of the part after he opened the chute, just the falling part. I think I could have fallen forever if I hadn't opened my eyes. I saw where I was, that destroyed the illusion and made me fall. I hit the floor kind of hard, and my knees are still hurting, so that sucked, but if I can keep that in my mind while I'm in the air and get ready to land when I open my eyes, I don't have to worry about anything.
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