Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Missed Labor Day, etc.

I didn't go to my martial arts class today. I just didn't feel like it. Instead, I wandered around the house, going through a bunch of old stuff. I'll go next week.

I found one of my parents' scrapbooks. I spent like an hour looking at all the news articles they clipped about themselves. They did all kinds of shit I never even heard about. They made those people who subscribe for an African kid look like Nazi puppy-stranglers. I mean, they did a lot of good stuff.

I have to admit, it successfully made me feel a little guilty. I'm rich. I'm bored. I should be doing good samaritan stuff. I'm hobbling around here, feeling sorry for myself. I was so bored today, I didn't even feel like flying, and that's the only thing I really do thats fun. Feeling guilty is no good reason to do something, but if there's already a reason to, and it pushes you in the right direction, I guess that's not so bad.


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