Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ain't Technology Grand?

I found an article today about a flying suit, or whatever. It think I could use one to get more power and control. It's really for parachuting, but as long as I can maintain my altitude or even go up a little bit, it'll help.

Actually, this isn't too different to what I do. I fly along, not really up or down for most of the trip. It's more like gliding, but maybe I wouldn't have to concentrate as much, and I could thing about other things while I'm flying.

In other news, I'm getting really good at martial arts. I went to a couple more lessons, and I got all these kicks and things. It's really formal. I don't know how much it would help in a street fight, but I feel way stronger, so that's good. Also, if I try and fight with one of the flying suits on, the wings are going to get in the way, but if I'm going to be a superhero, I'm gonna have to have these skills, right?


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