Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Utter Lameitude

I was out on the street today, and this big metal thing fell off a truck into traffic. Well, it kind of slid off, and there was this guy honking his horn, who was trapped in the lane behind it. I was totally gonna go clean it up, but the truck pulled over right away, and someone was already pulling the metal thing out of the road. It had wheels, by the way. Maybe he was stealing it. I don't know.

I just stood there, part of the crowd of onlookers. That felt lame, so I left. Here was my chance to do something heroic -- I don't know what. Some disaster waiting for a hero, at least on a small scale, and I just watched it go by. Should I have flown in and scooped up the thing? Would that be any better than waiting for the light and pushing it on it's wheels? It all worked out, so I don't know what I'm stressing about, but I might not get another shot.

I've never been in a bank that's being robbed. I've never been trapped on a plummeting elevator with a load of screaming passengers. What if this is as close as I come to my shot at being a real hero, and I blew it? What if I'm not a real hero?


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