Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Smoke Free Week 3

They say the physical addiction goes away after a couple weeks. I guess that's true. All the ups and downs I kept feeling during the times of day I used to smoke have leveled off. Now I just crave them equally all the time. Whenever I see someone smoking, I either want to be them or I want to punch them and run away. It's a strange feeling.

Now my strongest high and low are when I eat too much chocolate and crash a few hours later. I've quit so much lately, it's been hard to tell what any of my withdrawal symptoms are from. I'm even losing the callous on my lighter thumb.

I have all this extra energy and nowhere to put it. I should be pulling people off train trestles or some shit, but I'll think of something to keep myself busy.

Oh, and it looks like I don't have to pay taxes on inheriting the house now that it's been disinherited. Hooray me. I'd rather have the house.


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